Learn what a professional Melbourne photographer looks for in the perfect portrait.
Headshots photoshoot in Melbourne.
In 2020, at a time of living between our daily reality and that other world – that virtual world of information technology, styles and trends are rapidly changing. So too, is the way we present ourselves. Portrait styles, whether they are for social media or corporate representation, have grown and adapted with modern digital accessibility. No longer do we always need high-end cameras or fancy light set-ups. Phones are often the go-to tool for capturing each other and ourselves.
However, sometimes we do still require that extra level of quality, that discerning photographic eye, someone who can combine the art of creating professional images with the craft of knowing the best way to do it – That is where professional photographers find themselves very much in demand for professional headshots.
Last week Nick, a young tech gun - web developer, hired my business Appleby Photography to take some headshots in Melbourne. Nick wanted to create a series of portraits that could be interchanged on his business website and Linkedin page. He wanted a collection of images that were professional yet showed off his openness and helpful personality. After all, we all want to work with people who can solve our problems and Nick is a solution-based service provider. This was the personal branding that we aimed to capture and communicate together, creating the examples shown below.
Headshot taken at co-working space.
As can be seen in Nick’s images none of these were taken in a studio, but rather in and around his office where he was able to feel comfortable. These images were all taken utilising natural and ambient light as their main light source. Some tips to consider: avoiding direct sunlight is a must, so cloudy and overcast days can be perfect for outdoor portrait shooting. Sunny is perfect for well-lit interiors that have plenty of shaded spots and a depth of space.
Corporate and business photography is one area that still has high demand for professional photography. Getting a competitive advantage comes from maintaining a high standard of branding and self-image. When sourcing images to be used in annual reports, websites or other marketing material, businesses count on professionals to deliver the quality they strive for.
As a professional photographer, I am finding more and more that businesses are leaning towards a fresher, less staged approach in how they represent themselves. Corporate organisations are seeing greater value in lifestyle-based portraits. This means no more boring roll-down backgrounds, early 90’s style hair rim lighting, brooding life insurance expressions – portraits that often create a psychological disconnect.
Businesses are now opting for professional photos that are taken using natural and ambient light, in and around the office, or down the street, wanting to be relatable to clients; therefore embracing a more relaxed image is becoming quintessential to building great customer relationships.
Of course it goes without saying that it’s still paramount to consider the key elements of portraiture, composition, lighting, correct exposure, the right mood and the client brief, but taking the subject out of staged and stuffy studio set ups and placing them in more editorial-style settings can offer a fabulous way to communicate the dynamic and contemporary vision of a corporate entity.
A few last more technical tips would be finding great and sometimes fun locations, placing the subject in different settings, utilising soft light and backgrounds that suit the subject and working with a dedicated portrait lens like the Nikon 85 f1.4mm, to create beautiful bokkeh culminate together to provide very personable results.
If you’re interested in having some professional headshots taken, have a look at the Appleby Photography Headshots page for prices or contact me directly.